Another year, Another Valentine's day and once again I am spending it alone. It's easy to become bitter and sarcastic when everyone around you is coupled up and spending this day of love enjoying each others company and overly expressing their love to each other by spending ridiculous amounts of money on expensive gifts and dinner. It's definitely a commercial holiday and quite honestly I wish I had a side hustle of selling valentine's day gift so I could make some fast extra cash.
This year, on the other hand, I decided to take a different approach to being a single woman on Valentine's day. I decided to embrace the day and use it to celebrate my love for self. Why you ask? To be very truthful, I am tired of fighting it. As I get older I have began to understand that no matter what I do or say Valentine day exist and the fact that I am single on this very special day has nothing to do with anyone but myself. It's okay to be single on Valentine's day. It's okay to accept that another year has gone buy and you are single. Enjoy the day, take advantage of it. Most stores have valentine's day special, use that day to capitalize on the sale and buy that favourite perfume you haven't gotten around to purchasing. Your favourite artist is in town to swoon all the couples with his/her beautiful soulful voice. Go to the concert. Dress up, and go. Who cares! Half the time we think other people are paying attention to the single people in the room and snickering at the fact that they are alone but you will be surprised that most of the times the couples are so absorbed in each other they didnt even notice you walk into the room. You want to eat at your favourite restaunt because they have a two for one special then go ahead and do it. Find a girlfriend who is also alone on valentines day and go with her or a sibling or your mother or father.
I got up this morning and I wanted to see a new movie out in cinemas. A year ago, I might have passed on the opportunity of seeing the movie alone because I didnt want to be surrounded by lovers holding hands and are all kissy face while I walk in a lone with my bag of popcorn and drink and sit there alone with no one to talk to, this year however, I got dressed and went straight to the movies to watch the movie alone and I would have enjoyed myself had the movie not sold out before I got my ticket.
My point is, We need to stop blaming Valentine's day for feeling lonely and very single. Instead embrace the day and do what you want to do. It's for lovers and if you love yourself you realise you dont need someone else to feel special. If you are really concerned about being alone on Valentines day then take the initiative and ask that cutie you have been checking out for awhile now and ask them out. Just because they haven't asked you out doesnt mean you have to hold back as well.
Be happy, Be true and most importantly be loved!!
Happy Valentine's day!! Embrace the day! Dont fight it because its a losing battle!
Happy Val's Day darling!! And you're so right. Val's Day comes in so many forms, you don't necessarily have to be a couple in order to enjoy it. Besides, I think the main issue is that many people, women especially, are uncomfortable in their own skin and especially being alone with themselves. That's the challenge to overcome and once ur able to do that you'll be amazed at what an amazing woman you are! And yes, I think women should give themselves credit where credit is due. Stay beautiful!
ReplyDeleteeveryday should be valentines day. people shouldnt wait until 'one special day' to express all that supposedly 'pent-up love'. Has nothing to do with being single or bitter. frankly, the day is a waste. For those who treat thier partners right everyday, bravo. Those who wait till feb 14th, God bless you too.
ReplyDeleteLove u kaks!