Saturday, February 13, 2010

Idolization of Sex

I am no prude! Sex is vital to everyone, I understand that. However, when did sex become cool?...Let me clarify that. When did sex become the what was required to be labelled as cool. I know the idolization of sex is nothing knew, I am sure most people will say this blog topic is decades too late but it troubles me deeply when I see beautiful young women using sex as a means to get the attention they want.

I went to the club one night and i was completely appalled and disgusted by what I saw. Sex on the dance floor? Dont get it twisted though hey had their clothes on but havin their clothes on was probably a mask for what they were really doing. When did having sex in a lit area with other people around trying to enjoy themselves become fashionable, acceptable or impressive.

I noticed that most of the dances young people are doing today are pretty much sex positions with clothes on. I actually saw a picture of a young man performing fellatio on a woman on the dance floor and was pretending that was a "dance!" I am still pretty young in fact in am a Gen Y so its shocking to see that people who are probably just a few years younger than me are behaving in manners that my parents wouldhave me arrested or better yet shot if they saw me do it and I am old enough to have kids!

Respect! Where is it? Why dont women today, men today the youth of today have respect for self? For each other. They complain when a man disrespects them forgetting that they gave that man the chance to disrespect them.

I am sad to say, the young people of today have lost their way. They do not believe in respect. All I can say is learn to love yourself. Learn to believe that you are worth it. So what if that hot guy wont dance with you because you wont dance with him teh ay he wants you to. Why would you even want a man like that or a woman like that? Its time to respect yourself! Start loving you! Start believing you deserve the best and only the best and the best will come! It's okay if everyone else is doing it. Let them. Lets learn to love ourselves enough so we can love each other.

1 comment:

  1. I def agree with u. It's kinda like alcohol. People thinking they can't "have fun" without some of that in their system. What happened to silly dances and spontaneous choreographies on the dancefloor? SMH.
