Just like most of you, I spend my time skimming the celeb gossip blogs. I like reading about what my favourite celeb is up to, what they were caught wearing and sometimes what they are not doing. Its gossip yes and as much as most of you do not like to admit it, you do enjoy gossip here and there once in awhile. Going back to the gossip blogs, there is one particular site that often showcases regular people and their antics and sometimes I laught because I cannot believe what some people are getting themselves into but of late, I seem more and more disappointed.
I dont like to submit myself to stereotypes because I have interacted with pretty much every race on this planet and each time, there is someone who breaks that stereotype and actually convinces you that that particular race, or ethnic group is really not how we perceive them. Quite frankly its pretty ignorant if you submit yourself to those stereotypes but we are human and sometimes you really can't help it because there are always the few who live up to those stereotypes. Obama is a good example of breaking the stereotypes most people have about black people. I know he is not the only black person who has broken that stereotype but to be honest he has reached the highest office in the U.S government and I think that definitely has to be acknowledged, However, my blog is about how I look so lets get back on track here.
Back to the gossip website for a second. I was skimming through a particular one earlier on today and once again it featured a regular person and their antics and this time I really was disappointed. Here was this big girl, wearing a short dress, and a very low cut dress that pretty much only covered her nipples. Now, I am not saying because she is big she should not wear clothes like that because I dont think a woman should be walking around in public, at night, in a night club pretty much wearing an outfit that just covers her private parts. I believe its tacky and it shows how classless you are, but going back to this big girl for second, I personally and I am not fashion expert thought the outfit was completely unflattering and if she was trying to achieve the sexy look, she failed completely.
Of course, who am I to judge or to point fingers but I also believed at one point that showing off too much was sexy. Fortunately...(back then I didnt get it but I do now) I have a mother who was very honest with me and was quick to send me back to my room to change if she saw me dressed like that. She always made it a point to point out that I was a heavy girl and i had thick thighs and arms and my breast were too big so I shouldnt wear those things because it didnt look good. I mean I'll be honest, My mom (although she will not admit it) does believe that slimmer is better and though she will never admit it, I am pretty sure she wishes that my sister and I had been on the slimmer side because she is always quick to point out how she used to walk around with a size 22 inch waist when she was younger and is overly excited when she notices that either one of us has lost weight. Don't get me wrong, I don't think my mom loves me any less and doesnt think I am not beautiful because I am bigger but I believe her point in all of this is, you must dress to suit your size..
Yes I am a bigger girl and I definitely do not believe in wearing moomoos and covering it all up. I truly and strongly believe that every woman big or small, tall or short has a body part that is working for them and for that, you must flaunt it. However, know your shortcomings and try as much as possible to take the attention off those flaws and focus on your pluses. Yes, its quite easy to assume its my low self esteem talking and just because I do not want to show off my body parts it doesnt mean everyone else should. If you are honest with yourself you will realise thats not my point at all. Big or small, tall or short, I believe you must look sexy and feel your best, If you have the legs then show it off, If you have the arms show it off, if your breast or your butt is your best asset then go ahead and show it, but there is a way of showing those parts off without completely exposing it because the minute you expose it, you have cross the line of sexy into tacky.
Be you, be happy and love yourself but in doing so acknowledge what you are what you arent and adjust your style to fit that. A big woman can still dress sexy in the latest fashions, but sometimes less is more. nice low cut dress can be sexy as long as you cover your legs, a nice short dress can be sexy as well as long as you cover your top. It is important to remember that when you show off your top you cover your legs and if you show your legs you cover your top. I am no man but I have spoken to enough of them to know that they all love some mystery. A man loves to imagine and dream and when you put everything on show, you leave him nothing to dream about. Sometimes sexy is more!
Be true to yourself and you will be happy. Remember ladies, being sexy doesnt always mean showing everything off. I learnt that now, after years of my mom harping it over and over again. She meant well and continues to mean well. Know your body, know what works for you and dress accordingly. Just because you dont have the legs for that mini dress doesnt mean you dont have something else you can't show off. This is applicable to slimmer girls as well because I have seen some slim girls who have no business in mini skirts or tank tops. Either way, once again remember what you are working with and when in doubt, Just ask....How do I look?
image from http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/04/17/article-0-047FC282000005DC-729_468x637.jpg
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