Sunday, April 11, 2010

Only time will tell

I know I have been out of touch with my blog for awhile. Please forgive me. I am in my final weeks of school so it has taken up my time. I am however taking a break from it all to keep my readers updated and share whats been on my mind. Enjoy

I was listening to Joe's Good girls" today and I am a huuuuuuuuge Joe fan. Especially his older stuff. Anyway, if you have heard the song you might have heard this line "Now why are all the good girls taken everytime" Its just a song but I can't help but wonder how true that is? I mean women are quick to say how all the good men are taken then why can't men say the same thing? That being said, does that mean as a single woman I am not a good women?

My girls and I have been having this discussion for the past couple of days. It seems like everytime we think someone decent is coming our way, something happens and just like that he is out of lives. I can't but wonder, what are we doing wrong? What impression are we giving these men that keep them running out of our lives as quickly as they came in. Will our time ever come?

I look at my girls and myself and I say we are good women! I wouldnt be friends with them if I didnt think they were. We might not be in the financial position we wish to be in but we are working towards that, we are God fearing, well educated, strong, beautiful, trustworthy,loyal good women yet we are all single. My question again is, are we the bad women that no one wants?

People keep saying, Your time will come, just be patient, well I feel like I have been waiting for ever. Did the guy lose his way? His gps is faulty or did he take a longer route because I feel like I have been waiting for ever. I see everyone around me getting hooked up even the so called "bad" women seem to be settling down and yet I am still in the single lane waiting to cross into the HOV...when will it happen?

All I can say is, although I believe I am where i want to be, I may not be. I need to re-evaluate myself, look at the direction I am going. Start to focus on me and what I need and want, Where I need to be. My girl said, she needs to lower her standards because she believes her standards are too high. I told her no! Never EVER lower your standards. If you have managed to get to a place in your life on your own, why lower it to bring yourself back to where you started. I told her she might need to re-evaluate her choices but never lower them. Maybe she is focusing on the guy who is tall with the nice body, but the guy who might be a little shorter and might not have muscles buldging might be a better choice than the dreamy looking guy. Re-evaluating your choices simply means looking at all your superficial wants and re thinking those options and maybe being a little open minded to those who might not possess those superficial qualities but can bring to you things you need...

Love will come, It might not come when we want it, but it will come. Thats all I have to say.

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