Monday, April 26, 2010

Who are you?


This is something that has been bugging me for awhile now.I realise that there are so many people out there who allow others to define them. From the way, they dress, who they talk to and even how they speak. It seems like the only way they can figure out who they are is when someone tells them who they are. Why do we allow society to tell us who we are, what we should do and where we should go? When did we lose our sense of who we are.

Back to this book I am reading that I mentioned in my previous blog. I am gradually getting deep into the book and I will admit its a really good book. Different style of writing for this particular author but I am enjoying it nonetheless. Anyway, so back to this same character who is dealing with a man that is supposedly "better" than her. She finally came to her senses and left. However, here is she alone, manless and contemplating if she made a mistake by leaving this man. Her friend is now advicing her that she might as well go back to this guy because its better to share a man with another woman than it is to be manless! I almost threw the book out the window when I read that!! "its okay to share a man than it is to be manless?"" ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????????????? When did it become okay, to condone cheating just to keep a man???????? If thats the case then I am definitely staying single!!

This is what I am talking about allowing society dictate to you who you should be. It seems like being single is now taboo so its better to be with someone no matter how he treats you than it is to be single. I know a lot of people who are in miserable relationships yet, because society will view them as failures for leaving their partners to be single they choose to stay in dead relationships just to keep up the "image" that society so very needs"

I am proud to say, I have never been in a situation where I felt it was necessary to stay with anyone just to keep up with society! I am almost 28, I have been single for a very long time and its okay! Yes I get lonely, Yes I wish I had someone to cuddle up with and yes I do wish that sometimes I just had someone just to have someone, but I am even happier knowing that I am not being made miserable just to keep an image that society deems as "acceptable" I dont believe there is anything wrong with me for being single. I dont think I need anyone or anything to define who I am. I know who I am and although there are days where I struggle to prove to everyone who I am, I really dont care what people think as long as I am happy.

One thing I know for sure is I like being who Iam. There is only one me and there will only be one me. I dont want to be anyone else but me. If someone has a problem with who I am then all I can tell you is turn around and dont look because I am not changing for anyone. I dont need to have certain friends to make me who I am, I dont have to have a man to make me "acceptable" I dont need to speak a certain way to be heard. All I need to be is me. As I continue to say, if what you do is not illegal, it does not physically harm anyone and its alright in the eyes of God then really who cares what other people think. At the end of the day, you can spend your whole life trying to please people but at the end of it all there is always going to be that one person who doesnt approve. Are you going to spend your whole life trying to please that one person? What about your happiness? What about what you want???? What about what you need?

The way I see it, once you learn to be who you are, people will appreciate you for your realness. The minute you try to be someone else it only takes a short while for someone to figure it out and walk away. Be you. Love you and dont care what others thing. Makes sure you know who you are!

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