Saturday, April 24, 2010

He is no better

I just started reading a new book. Total Eclipse of the Heart by Zane, I am only a few pages in so I can't really tell you much about the book. Also, I dont want to give too much away incase some of you are interested in reading it. Anyway, the little I have read and again, I dont know how the story is going to go but there is one character in the book who is currently dating a very prominent lawyer. Comes from a very well to do background and is considered one of the most elligible bachelors in the DC area(the story is based in the DMV...go figure!) Anyway, this woman dating this lawyer is a waitress, in a dingy diner, She is not doing much with herself yet here she is with this very prominent lawyer. Dream come true right? I am sure there are women out there who will not be able to believe their stars that they got lucky enough to get with such a well to do guy. Prayers answered I am sure. A wealthy guy doing well for himself. I mean to be quite honest, if I was in this girls shoes I might pretty much start counting my blessings because I got so lucky.

Not so quick now, This prominent lawyer from the well to do backgroud, most eligible bachelor in the DC area is abusive. No he hasn't laid his hands on this woman, yet he is able to call her every bad name that was ever written. He has managed to bring this womans self esteem so low she doesnt even think she is worthy of anything. She takes his mother insulting and belittling her infront of her rich friends and he doesnt come to her defence one time. He obviously knows that she is leaning on him for support and that he is better than her so she should be lucky to be with him....

Now lets get back to reality here. Why am I spending my time talking about a fictional character? Well one reason, I have been that woman before. No, No man has ever laid his hands or me or spoken to me in such a disrespectful manner, I mean I feel sorry for the poor schmuck who would even attempt to treat me like that but I am that woman because, there are times where I have met someone, I believed was better than me. Had so much going for themselves, women lined up to be with them, good jobs so of course, little old me, battling my weight, pretty but no Halle Berry, Still working dead end jobs and barely making ends me, How lucky am I to have the attention of such a guy. They didnt abuse me like I said, but there were soo many things I let them get away with because I strongly believed I was not worthy of them. I didnt deserve their attention.

My point is, although I always say, its important to be with someone on your level, or in your class or share the same goals and ambitions as you, it also doesnt mean that if you happen to deal with someone who is maybe a little ahead of you, it gives them the right to mistreat you, abuse you or step on you. Anyone who does treat anyone like that obviously is not all that great. Just because you are doing better than someone doesnt mean you are better than them. It gives you no right to mistreat or abuse someone because they have not gotten to where you are. I strongly believe that each and everyone of us have a purpose in life. We all take different paths to get to our end goal. Some get there a lot faster than others and some it takes almost their whole life time to get to their goal, just because we are going at different paces doesnt mean you are better than the other.

Anyway my point is, dont let anyone step on you because you feel they are standing better than you are. I know personally I have taken a lot longer to get to where I want to be and I am not even there yet, but the point is I know where I am going and I know I will get there and just because I meet someone who may already be where I need to be doesnt make them any better than me.

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