How many of you have gone far and beyond for someone and no appreciation was shown? Or you keep giving and giving and nothing is given in return. I would like to say most people may have faced a situation like this and most of the time we keep saying we are going to stop giving but we end up back in the same place, just giving till we literally have nothing else to give.
I know when you give you are not supposed to expect anything in return and most times you do receive in return but sometimes it gets to the point where receiving is almost necessary.
I often find myself over extending myself in relationships where i give and give and I get nothing in return. No I am not talkin about material gifts. I feel like I give up my time, me energy, my heart to people who always seem to take take take and give nothing in return. What really upsets me about the situation is, its almost like they feel I am supposed to give up everything and they give nothing in return. The days I have stayed up late to lend an ear, sacrificed working on myself and my projects to take up their projects so that they will not be overwhelmed with their work. Cancelling my prior plans to make time for them but then they are quick to cancel on me when its not convenient for them without even a second thought. Am I foolish to allow this to continue or do I just love too hard and completely blind to what is going on around me?
I know that in any relationship regardless of what type of relationship it is, its never going to be equal. There is always going to be one person in the relationship that gives more than the other person. I mean even take your work situations or your class situations, whenever you work in a team, there is always one person who contributes the least. Its just the way life is set up so no I am not going to say in a relationship you must give 50/50 because thats almost impossible. I do say that you need to know when you are being appreciated and when you are being taken advantaged of. Of course I dont believe you must stop giving immediately when your actions are not reciprocrated but at the same time its important to evaluate your relationship and figure out, am I being cheated? Are my efforts being appreiciated?
Its hard when you love someone, to completely back away till you see some efforts on their parts but at times you have to put your needs and your wants ahead of theirs and make sure you are not being taken for granted. Love shouldnt hurt, it has to be reciprocated and if its not, you have to wonder if they do feel the same about you. At times they do, they just dont notice what they are doing but sometimes they do not. Learn to let go when you have to. I seriously believe holding on too long when you shouldnt gives them a reason for them to lose respect for you and at times Respect is more important than love....I'm just saying
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