Saturday, March 6, 2010

Why do I love you?

I am sure this is a statement you constantly ask yourself when you are dealing with someone you really dont know why you are dealing with them. "Why do I love him? Why do I love her? Obviously this is a question that runs through your mind in those moments when they really dont seem to deserve your love. There are times when you also wonder Why he doesnt like you as much as you like him or why doesnt she like you at all? It seems we always fall for the people who dont want us and ignore those who truly want us. My question is why????

Is it the whole idea of someone not being attainable that makes them so diserable? Is it easier to deal with someone you know doesnt want you than to deal with the one who does and finding out what truly can happen? Is it because this person has all the qualities you look for in a person and you are afraid of straying because if you fall for the other person that doesnt have the qualities you are looking for you are lowering your standards?????

This is a question that constantly runs through my head. I am not afraid to say, I am one of those people who always falls for the person who doesnt want me. I dont know why I do but it happens. These people usually have the qualities I am looking for, or we just happen to get along soo well as friends I convince myself we could be more than that and when it doesnt happen I get upset and start wondering what is soo wrong with me? Why dont they want me? We have an amazing friendship yet he doesnt want us to take it any further? After all they do say, your best friends make the best lovers why doesnt he believe that? Its something I do all the time. I dont know why it doesnt make sense but I do it.

I also do that in friendships, I put my all into a friendship and when the feelings are not returned I get upset. I always focus on those who dont care about me and neglect those who do. I remember an occasion when a dear friend of mine(at least I thought they were a dear friend) completely forgot my birthday. Didnt call, no card, no text nothing. I was miserable, completely upset, however I had an even dearer friend who had pretty much cancelled her plans for the day to come spend it with me and yet here I was miserable about that one friend who didnt bother with me and wasnt even acknowledging that a true friend for me. At the time, I didnt realise what i was doing, but looking back now I realise, here is someone who loves me, who is willing to drop everything and anything for me and yet I am concerned about the one friend who could care less...

In life its normal, very few of us realise the true people in our lives, those who love us unconditionally, those who would drop everything to be by our sides when we need them. We usually focus on those who could care less about us or if they do care, not as much as we care about them. I dont know the answer to why we do but i do believe that for someone like me, if I dont wisen up fast and quick I might miss out on someone great because my eyes are on that person who doesnt deserve me. I know I am a good woman, and I know whoever gets me will be a lucky man however I also need to remember that if that person i want doesnt realise how good i am for them then maybe I dont want them after all.. Maybe they need to lose me to love me or maybe I need to accept they are just not for me.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, its like you wrote this for me. I used to be the same way. Focusing on people who didn't care enough for me.This year I told myself I will give back exactly what people gave me and I have come to nurture the most beautiful/ rewarding relationships. Life is too short and trust me, we need to focus on what we have been blessed with. Thanks for sharing.
