Monday, March 15, 2010

I really haven't felt inspired lately and its partly due to my hectic school and work schedule. Although I really don't have the time now, I thought I should stay faithful to my followers and put something down.

The time has come and God willing I'll be out of school in April,the job hunt has officially began! Putting out resumes, attending networking events and making phone calls are going to be part of my regular routine again. Hopefully this time around I won't be doing it for too long till something good comes my way. I will admit, as exciting as all this is, I am scared!

I have been one who has always doubted my abilities. I never considered myself an exceptional student, most of the time just making by enough to keep it moving, I have never had jobs thrown at me or great opportunities come my way. For some reason I always felt inadequate, incomplete.

Going back to school has helped me change my mind set. I do have my days where I doubt my own abilities but having good friends and family who keep encouraging and reassuring me of how smart I am has really improved my image of myself. I have been excelling in my classes and now when I ask a question or answer a question in class I actually believe I made some sense and when I don't, I joke about it and keep it moving.

I am reflecting on my life and I realise how much I have grown emotionally and spiritually. My self confidence is beginning to rise and my belief and trust in God is getting stronger and better each day. I can't help but be grateful for everything that is coming my way. I have decided I'll give thanks in all situations and keep praying for God's guidance.

Although I really don't have anything substantial to share with you all today. All I want to say is keep loving and believing in you and most importantly in God and it will all work out.

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