Tuesday, September 3, 2013

To the Chris Powells of the World

For those of you who haven't really interacted with me in awhile, my newest passion and addiction is health and fitness. Some can consider it a phrase, others may say its just till I get to my goal weight but those who know me, know that this is my life and I have no plans on letting go of this life style. Its addictive, its necessary and I love it. Some times I wonder why I never clued into this life style sooner. Another thing I love, is watching weight loss shows. They are extremely motivating and encouraging and its amazing to see people who were worse off than me lose all the weight naturally through diet and exercise and keep it off for life. It tells me that there is nothing I am not capable of doing as long as I put in the work and dedication and my own personal transformation tells me exactly that. However I am not writing this blog to share why I love fitness and healthy living but rather this blog is about the people who have helped me along the way. As I type tis blog I am watching extreme weight loss which chronicles the contestants weight loss journey over the course of the year and their trainer Chris Powell who is with them every step of the way. Chris is not the typical trainer who shows you which workouts you need to do, or writes out a nutrition plan. Chris becomes your friend, your brother, your biggest cheerleader and he holds your hand as you cry, as you go through your highs and lows and he supports you through it all. He no longer sees you as a client but as a friend who genuinely cares about your well being, often times more than your own family and friends and each of his contestants so far have managed to lose the weight successfully and changed their life, emotionally, spiritually and most importantly physically. Chris is the type of person every one must have in their corner in life to become the best person you want to be. Through my own journey, I had some struggles, struggles I continue to face, but sometimes the biggest struggle came from those around me. Those who were concerned, I would look less attractive if I lost too much weight, those who thought I could become anorexic if I continued along the path I was on. Those who felt I was getting too small and I was starting to look weird, or concerned that I would lose my soft features if I worked out too long and too hard and yes its discouraging and upsetting especially since I felt I had been criticized about my weight my whole life and how I was constantly judged because I wasn't small enough, so to finally be in a position where I am finally getting to that point and to still hear those criticism its disheartening and discouraging. However, at the same time, I've had the Chris Powell's in my life, the people who have stood by me through it all. Who push me even when I thought I couldn't push myself. Those who have had only positive things to say and encouraging things to say even when I didn't think I was worthy of it. I remember having a convo with my Dr. once about being a black woman and having to stay somewhat a certain size because I didn't want to lose my "black body" or I wasn't capable of losing all the weight I want because I am just not built this way and he simply told me that, who said you cant? At that moment, I knew that all I was doing was making excuses to not push myself to be where I could be. I've had the support group who would change their diet options around me just so they didn't tempt me from going off track, those who worked out with me, or would tell me the consequences of eating poorly and discourage me from buying that donut or eating that slice of cake. My dear friend who is more than willing to take part in any physical activity idea I come up with, whether its taking Krav Maga with me, or encouraging me to buy groupon deals to take yoga classes, or signed up for kickboxing boot camp with me just to keep me motivated. Or my girlfriends who run 5k's with me or will suggest healthy food places for us to eat, Those who constantly send me healthy recipes that I can try. Even those who may not join me in my activities but are on the sidelines cheering me on and constantly reminding me of my progress when I think I haven't gone far. Even my family who may tempt me here and there but always makes sure they get enough of what I need to succeed. All these people have helped me through this journey and even when I want to give up and I just want to say fuck it all, They pick me up and run along side me to make sure I keep going. All I want to say is, Weight loss is not easy, working out can be challenging and being healthy at times can be draining but when you have the right people in your corner, the people who genuinely care about your well being and will do everything they possibly and physically can to make you keep going, you realize that nothing is impossible. We all need to be like Chris Powell and cheer each other on when they are going through their transformation. You never know who's life you may be saving. Thank you to all my Chris Powell's I couldn't do this without you cheering me on.

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