Friday, September 20, 2013

Shy guy

No, My blog is not a tribute to my 13th birthday party where "Shy Guy" by Diana King was the theme, To those who remember that epic birthday party I see you. LOL. However, this is about the shy men in Toronto...or at least I hope they are. Incase you don't know, I am learning to Salsa...well I guess I cant say I am learning anymore since I am now a level 5 salsa dancer and I have one more level before I can consider myself an intermediate to advance dancer but I love to Salsa... I also just fell in love with Kizomba tonight but I digress, anyways the best way to master any skill is to practice and unfortunately due to my busy schedule and laziness, I don't practice much. Tonight, however I decided I was going to join my fellow "classmates' and "school mates" and go to one of the socials that is organized by the school every other Friday so I can practice my skills. I convinced one of my girlfriends to go with me and we set out. Upon arrival, we spent an hour taking lessons on Kizomba and fortunately an older guy was kind enough to ask me to be his partner. Once the lesson ended they dimmed the lights and now it was time for everyone to dance the night away. My friend and I headed to our seats with the hope of having someone approach us and dance. And there we sat, and sat and sat for 2 hours when we finally decided to call it a night and go home. I must say I was disappointed because the whole point of me going to the social was to find someone to dance with and practice my skills. Now most of you don't know, Salsa is not fun when you don't have a partner. You need a partner to definitely put down the moves.. so to even suggest that I dance alone would be ridiculous. Now, maybe my mistake was heading to my seat instead of socializing a bit and yes I admit I could have tried a bit however my frustrations are with the men. I lived in the DMV for 3 years(DC Maryland and Virginia) and I never had the problem of men not approaching me. There were times where I felt I should wear a sign that said leave me alone because at times I almost felt harassed. I can recall several instances where I felt so overwhelmed with all the men approaching me in one moment I actually felt I was going to have a panic attack(I am not even exaggerating and quite frankly I those times were when my self esteem was shit and quite frankly I probably wasn't as attractive as I am now, So to be in a better state of mind, open minded, confident (to some extent) and more attractive and I still don't get approached to dance I have to wonder what is wrong with the men in this city. There was one instance this evening where a beautiful older woman approached these two men sitting next to me to dance. For a woman of her age she was very well put together and very attractive. I couldn't imagine any man, young or old looking at her and not wanting to dance with her. She approached these two men and one turned her down almost immediately, after much coaxing she managed to get the other guy to dance with her. My friend was livid!!! She almost got out of her seat to ream the guy out for not dancing with the woman...She finally concluded that the man was gay because there was no reason he had to turn her down. All she kept saying was these men in this city there is something very wrong with them. So to my men in Toronto, explain to me, why don't you approach women? What are your fears? Are we not friendly enough, are you too full of our self to approach a woman or are you truly a shy guy? Often times I hear from those who dabble in online dating complain that most of the men they meet online who claim to be confident and appear to be "rico suarvez" are often times the exact opposite of who they claim to be when they do meet....if they do meet. So Please explain to me what the problem is so we can find a happy medium because I don't want to go out and not have a dance partner anymore. Shy guy please come out of your shell.

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