Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lets get married!

Earlier this evening, my cousin asked me a question and although I think I gave him the answer I believed made sense, I am beginning to wonder if I actually do believe what I told him and if I do believe why? So here is the question. "Why do women feel it is important to get married and is it my top 5 priority" Now my answer to him was its not my top 5 priority for sure and quite honestly it probably made my top 10 this year but i know that although its not important I do get married, I do know that being married for me is something I will like to embark on. Not for the purpose of going around flashing my ring to every tom dick harry and jane but its that life long companionship, being able to have someone to share with, laugh with, hang out with someone who loves you and wants you in some cases needs you. His response to that was well cant you get that from friends and family? I said you can but I sure dont want to have sex with any of my family members.Funny I know but truly this question has me wondering...why do we find it important to get married?

I believe this is a question when posed to 10 different people we will receive 10 different answers because everyone goes into marriage for different reasons. I do believe though that one common answer will run through all the answers and that I believe is companionship.

I have never been married so i cant speak intelligently on this subject but my observation of other peoples marriages and of course my own parents marriage. They've been married for 36 years and I do know that though they do have their ups and downs and my dad constantly being on the road traveling from here to there for work, the one thing they do enjoy about being together is having someone to come home to. Someone they know that in their old age, when we (their kids) move on with our lives is having each other to spend time with. Someone they wake up in the morning they can talk to, Even when sitting in silence they know they have someone there with them. In my opinion there are just some forms of companion ship you cannot get from friends or family only from a spouse or a partner. Okay so you dont have to get married for that. Oprah mentioned today that she chose never to be married even though she and Steadman continue to have a very successful relationship which is fine and fair but I also believe marriage as rare as it may seem these days gaurantees a life long partner. Its almost reassured that once you are married you are more likely to work at keeping it going than when you just choose to remain in a partnership without the marriage. I may be wrong but thats just how I feel.

I dont want to go on too much on this topic because like i said i have no experience when it comes to marriage but I do know that it is a journey I look forward to embarking on but its definitely not my top 5 list of priorities just as yet...maybe eventually it will make it on that list.

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