Sunday, March 9, 2014

Prude or High Moral Standing?

Happy New Year! I know I haven't blogged much and I apologize. Life has just been a bit crazy and so blogging hasn't been a priority. Anyway, I do have a lot on my mind so my blogs may be a bit more frequent but let me get to it. I went out last night for the first time in a long time. Okay let me rephrase that, yesterday was the first time I went out to a lounge in a very long time. I've lost interest in night life. You know the standing in line, wearing heels, elbowing people just so you can actually stand up because the place is packed. Not appealing but yesterday for a friends birthday she wanted us to go out so we went out. Surprisingly I did have a good time, the crowd was mature, pretty good looking people, music was great, so no major complaints. Yes it was packed and I stood in line but all in all I had a good time. Anyway, I had a guy bump into me and he apologized, I said its fine, he then said what if I hit into you intentionally would that be okay, I was like yes that's fine(he was cute...he is excused) and then he walks away goes up to my friend and tells her, "Your friend is shy" what?????? I was busy dancing minding my business you ask me a question and I answer you, no attitude, nothing yet I am shy? Anyway, next another guy comes, and he starts dancing with me. Normally I am a bit anti social when it comes to dancing with people but I take dancing lessons for salsa and Kizomba so dancing with randoms has become second nature to me. Plus I have learnt that sometimes a guy asking to dance is just because he wants to dance, nothing special. So I agreed. Dude started getting a bit to inappropriate, I tried to brush it off but he kept going at it, next he says lets go upstairs....WHAT??????? I said no, next he says let me kiss you on the cheek, I said no, he said its just a kiss on the cheek I said no, next thing he grabs my face and tries to kiss me on the cheek. Hmmmmm???????? Sexual harassment?? Anyway finally he gets a hint and walks away. Okay so my question here is, prude or moral standing? Are there girls who actually feed into this approach by guys? Will actually walk away with a guy they have never met, and go hang out with them in a club of half drunken people to do who knows what?????? Am I old fashioned and still believe that you should at least learn the guys last name before you go off anywhere private with the guy you've never met? Or is it totally okay to run off with a guy you've never met? Some may call me shy, or a prude but I just think that to be taken seriously by anyone and to be respected there are limits to who you interact with people of the opposite sex when you first meet them. Personally casual relations do not appeal to me, I just don't think I should give myself to anyone who is not committed to me. Of course we all have our weak moments and may do things we normally wouldn't do but is this an everyday occurrence? Absolutely not? Should it be? Its totally up to the individual but for me, its not. I just think a man who is interested in getting to know me would be a bit more respectful with his approach and most importantly would respect me when I say no! Yes I had a fun night and yes its nice to know that someone finds you attractive especially in this very challenging city where I find meeting someone its almost impossible but do I have to become someone I am not just because someone gives me a second glance or do I stick to who I am and hope and pray someone recognizes my worth and will approach me correctly. Again my question to you is? Am I a prude or do I have high moral standing and is that a good or bad thing? I look forward to your responses.


  1. Hey Girl ! you'll have to forgive me for answering a question. Why did the word "prude"come to mind? I didn't read "prude" at all from your story. You simply turned down unwelcome advances, at least that what it seemed like to me. Keep on doing you ! You are allowed to be choosy :-)

    1. In this day and age where everything is over sexualized it seems like whenever you see a bit more reserved you can come across as prudish. But I like what you are saying as well.
