Monday, March 17, 2014

Gym Rat

For those of you who follow me on facebook you already knew this was coming because my earlier status did mention I would be blogging about this top so here you have it. If you've known me, working out was one of those things I considered a chore. I went because it seemed like the logical thing to do. I had very little dedication to the gym. I can recall my first year in University, a friend of I decided to hit up the gym because well...that's what you do when you are in college right? Right after we left the gym(mind you probably the weakest workout we ever did) we headed to the cafeteria and had the worst of everything. I think I probably didn't work out again till my second year and possibly once or twice more in my third and fourth year. By the time I graduated from University I was the heaviest I have ever been. I probably shouldn't say this out loud but I am ashamed to say at one point I was a bit over 200lbs. In my mind I didn't see that I was that big, because to me being big was being obese and I didn't think I was. Plus I think I am one of those who carries weight well. Even after I lost a ton of weight I know I still shocked people with how much I weighed because they always thought I weighed less because I didn't look it but I was big. Finally after university I moved away to the States and that's when I started to take my weight a bit more seriously. No where near where I am today but enough to actually start doing something. I did go to the gym quite frequently, My eating definitely needed more work but the pounds started dropping. I wasn't in love with working out, not even close to loving it but I did it because I felt like I had to. Plus I had a few motivating factors that kept me going but really not enough to have me change my life completely. It took a few years, and a lot of education and AMAZING supportive individuals in my life to really get me to this place. Its amazing how the right people, support and education can really change your life around. Now going to the gym is my passion. I love it, I love the sourness I feel after a good work out, I love how when eating clean makes me feel and the most important thing its still yummy, I love when people see me, it shocks them that the girl who could barely walk across the gym floor is now lifting heavy with very little effort and today was the major turning point for me when a new friend I met over the weekend who happens to go to my gym asked me to work out with her and she was relying on me to show her what to do. She thoroughly enjoyed the work out we had and felt I helped her learn a lot. Its amazing that the girl who hated working out is now helping others work out. For me this just proves that once you start to love what you do, you can do amazing things. You just have to want it bad enough. Most importantly you have to believe that you can do it. Sometimes having the right people in your corner, the right tools and the right amount of dedication you can do it. Trust me, if I can do it, you definitely can do it!

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