Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tapout/Trials of a good girl

I was listening to "Tap Out" by Rich gang and those who know me, Know that I love that song...makes me feel I had an affiliation to poles in my past life. All joking aside, The reason I bring up that song is because there is a line in there where Nicki Minaj refers to her girlie parts as the "million dollar pussy" And as crude as that sound, it makes sense. The point of this blog today is the fact that many women treat their girlie parts or crudely put, their pussies as if its worth half a dime. Though I am not here to judge but this problem is affecting the girls who actually consider theirs to be worth millions, or more...I like to consider mine a black diamond...a rare and valuable find and only the very deserving and "rich"(not materially rich...but rich in values, moral standing and personality)can afford to have it because men are not appreciating the hard to find yet good girls because the girls who believe they can use their pussies to get any guy they want are making it extremely difficult to land any type of man. I am not into online dating, tried, it didn't like it and quite frankly don't think I want to do it again. Of course I will never say never because who knows how I will feel down the line but for now I am not going to give it a shot, but for those who have tried it and continue to try it, the horror stories I hear from them will have any one considering online dating to rethink that method of meeting a potential partner. Granted I cant say all the men on there or even women on there are bad news but the common theme I hear from those who try it, are the approach the men use to try to get them to speak to them. Often times the guys will ignore the fact that the woman has listed on her profile that she is not interested in a casual relationship and immediately solicit them for sex or speak to them in a very disrespectful manner. In order not to put anyone's business out there, I wont go into detail as to what some of the conversations have been like but I can guarantee you it has been disrespectful, disgusting and outright crazy. However the shocking part of it all is that many of these men will testify that there are many women who respond positively to their requests. They barely know these women and yet there are women out there who are willing and ready to do anything and everything to gain the attention of the men. there are even some of these guys who have admitted that the women have been the ones to solicit them for sexual favours as opposed to them asking them to sleep with them. What bothers me about this whole thing is, often times as a woman with traditional values and a moral campus, I find its often difficult to keep the attention of any man the minute you let him know that the cookies or pussy will not be easy to come by. Its like the minute you let them know its not even an option in the initial getting to know stages, they immediately kick you to the curb and move on to the next girl who will welcome them with open arms or legs in this context I know some of you are already saying, "A good guy will wait" "why would you even want to be with a guy like that anyway" and you are right on both counts and even as my brother eloquently put yesterday, "would I seriously invest in anyone I have already had the milk for free" But the point I am trying to make here is, it gets even harder and harder to really sieve through all the junk to find the right one when there are some girls making it too easy for guys to really even bother to make the effort these days. Its almost like when you ask a guy to take the time to get to know you before you unveil the crown jewels, you sound like a prude. Nothing wrong with being a prude...I am not one myself but there is nothing wrong with that but its like they immediately label you as something you are not because you have self respect and self worth. Yes there are some who will argue that we are grown, and why would I suddenly lose interest in you just because you gave it to me too quickly...but I beg to differ because I have seen and know some guys who immediately felt a tad bit different the minute the girl gave it up to them after only knowing them for a very short period of time. Anyway the point of this blog is, being a good girl can honestly be lonely, stressful and sometimes difficult. Damned if you do, damned if you don't so what is one to do when you cant win either way you look at it. Do what's best for you, don't compromise who you are for the benefits of others and to my good girls...myself included, keep being you. It may take awhile but someone is out there who will appreciate all you have to offer. Never ever be someone you are not to please anyone because all that does is leave you with heart break and pain and most importantly feeling like you are worth nothing. It sucks that I know a bunch of beautiful, successful, hard working women who are still single...myself included for this exact reason but we can only hope and pray that all our prince is out there.

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