Thursday, August 8, 2013

Bring on old age!!

Its that time again, Time to reflect on my life as my birthday is less than two hours away. Although, my life is constantly evolving, and the year is only half way in, I still think there is a lot that has happened to me this year that has been impactful and life altering. As I turn another page on a new year, I realize a few things and as in popular fashion, I have my list. 1. I am not rushing into marriage. As much as I want the kids and the husband, I think its best I wait to find the right one so I can do it right. 2. Single life is not that bad. 3. You must create your own happiness. If you depend on someone to make you happy you will never be happy. 4. Its important to work. Creates independence, responsibility and professionalism. 5. Its important to have a social life. Its what keeps you sane. 6. Take time to take care of yourself. One thing I used to be good at was having "me" days. I use the time to do things I want and pamper myself. 7. Travelling is vital. You cant live in a world and not explore it. Saving towards a trip should be in everyone's budget plans. 8.Negativity is draining. Anytime I find someone is constantly bringing negativity into my life, I don't hesitate to cut them off. No relationship is worth constantly being miserable. 9. God is always number one! Cant live life without God as your Guide. 10. Working out and eating healthy is essential! As much as its good to cheat, its also important to eat well and work out constantly. It does wonders for your body and your mental health 11. Sleep is vital. Even if it means skipping out on a night out with friends to get a goods night sleep. 12. Loving yourself is the best way to allow people to love you. Once you learn to love yourself you will not let anyone who doesn't love you into your life. 13. Saving for a rainy day is necessary. Sometimes if it means sacrificing a new outfit, toy or material just to have money for a rainy is better than having nothing saved up but nothing of value. 14. You can not always be right. Learning to accept other peoples opinions and responses can make for a better person. 15. Never settle for less than you deserve. 16.Be bold! 17. Take chances. 18.Love has no colour. Granted we all have preferences and tastes but it doesn't always mean love comes in the package you expect it to come in. Be open minded. 19. Live outside the box. The norm is not always the best. 20. Be different, be yourself and never compromise who you are for anyone! Although I am a work in progress and there is a lot I have to work on, I like to think that 31 as old as it sounds, only means I am going to get better with time. Happy Birthday to me!


  1. Great distinctions Kakra! #3, 16 and 17 resonated strongest with me! Happy Birthday
