Monday, June 17, 2013


*Disclaimer* As my laptop is out of commission all my posts are being typed on my touch screen phone. Please ignore all grammatical errors and spelling mistakes as editting is a bitch on this device. Thanks Contrary to the subject of this post,I am the complete oppossite. I am not your typical African raised woman that believes the womans role is in the kitchen and she must cater hand and foot to her man and the man is the king of thecastle and everyone must answer to him crap. Don't get me wrong, I do think cooking, cleaning and playing house isessential to anyone not just to the woman but I believe relationships are an equal partnership. You cook, I clean type of situation. Yes there are times where the woman may need to be a bit more traditional in her role but all in all it should be a partnership. However this post is not about deciding on which role each person should play so let me get into it. What I have noticed is who women have become. To some extent and I dont mean in all cases but women have become sex objects. Okay! Okay! No news there. We have always been classified as sex objects since before time but what I am talking about is the whole idea that women no longer respect themselves. What I am getting at is this. Being a good girl leaves you single. What one woman refuses to do, 20 women will do without blinking an eye. I am not talkjng specifically about sexual acts but the whole idea that there is no longer the notion of men having to work to get t. Good. I am not ashamed to admit I have tried online dating. Granted I never met anyone I felt was worthy of meeting in person because the few conversations we had was enough to tell me it would be a waste of my time but the stories I heard from some of the men gave me enough to believe women "done changed" Granted the game has always been the survival of the fittest. If you are willing to do it all and fight to the end, chances are you win the prize. Anyone who decides to bail out in the early on set because they just dont have the drive, motivation, or the personality to keep going will obviously walk away empty handed. I get that. I totally do, however this policy should apply to game shows, fitness challenges, even promotions at work but it should not be applied to relationships. I do not understand why women feel the need to cheapen themselves to be able to catch a man. Okay so maybe here is where my traditional way of thinking comes to play. Dont get me wrong, I am not a prude in any sense of the word. I am fairly liberal when it comes to peoples dealing with sex... I have no qualms talking about it openly and making crude and crass jokes with my friends about it, but I am a lady and I am classy and most importantly I respect myself and there are some things I refuse to to indulge in on the onset of any relationship and when I mean relationship I mean the initial meeting of a man. Granted I have fun and I can be flirty and some times I may go a bit further than I may want to, but it has always backfired and thats where I decided that, I am not going to compromise my own good values for the sake of roping in any man. Being a good girl may not pay but being a bad girl can definitely have its negative consequences. Problem here is, too few many, too many women. Men have options, Maybe that may be exclusive to my age group and I would like to hear what other generations think but with men having options, means some women will do anything and everything to make sure they get what they want. Often times, the woman may not know what she wants but the need to feel wanted and needed may force her to be someone she isnt...The women who refuse to compromise themselves for a man always lose out in the end. Its a shame but its the truth. Dont get me wrong, I think there is nothing wrong with a woman who is liberated when it comes to her feelings towards sex. If you think you can maintain casual relationships with various people then more power to you, but do you really have to be that person to get what you want? I know some men will bash me for this post because I am pretty much telling girls to try to keep their legs closed as long as they can. At least till they establish some sort of repetoire with the guy. I may be wrong, it may not always be the case but to be more clear on what I am saying is, Dont try to be something you are not just because you think its the only way you can find someone. Ultimately be yourself! A man will want you for who you are not what you can give him, and if he thinks you need to give him something to keep him around I can gaurantee you, that he will walk away even when you give it to him. A friend once told me that a man knows exactly what he wants from you when he meets you, so it doesnt really matter what you do or say, he will stick around if he recognizes you are what he wants so why change to suit him. I guess this is where I am a tradtionalist. I still believe that you should establish something with someone before you go in or at least let him get to know you better and you him before you dive a deeper, and if he walks away because you held back then good by to him. At the end of the day be yourself and understand that whatever you decide, its your decision not yours.

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