Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This is a test

I know its been awhile since I got on here but I guess better late that never. I should try to stay consistent but I really cant make that promise at this point. Anyway now that my semi apology-excuse is out of the way let me get to the details.

So you may or may not know this but I am single and I dont have any qualms about it. I cant say I am actively looking but I have tried the online dating route and although my experiences could be documented in the history books I would rather not go into detail at this point...maybe another blog. However living in Toronto one common statement I hear from many black women here is "toronto men are wack" Now dont get me wrong, I am not classifying each man in this city under that category because that would imply I know every man in this city. Now mind you, I cant speak for the non black women because their experience maybe slightly different than mine or of the black women I know but I think it would be safe to say I know enough black women who would agree with my earlier statement.

I know a lot of black women who have shared some very interesting stories on their expereinces with the men in this city and some might actually fall under horror stories but I cant say I have really put myself out there enough to really confirm or testify to the statement "Toronto men are wack". I know a few bold women in other cities/towns/states,regions/countries who have actually approached a guy and have had some success and I know others in Toronto who have approached a guy and have failed miserably but after my experience with online dating(which I can say didnt go anywhere because of me) I cant really confirm or deny if my lady friends are right or wrong. To probably confirm how serious this allegation is about the men in this city, there was an article in a local magazine about this very topic and although the writer could not confirm that all men in this city are this way, she seemed to feel that all the black women she knew felt the same way.

In a case like this, could this be a case where the black women in this city may actually be the issue or can the non black women confirm they feel the same way? That being said, I have decided that until I can really confirm or deny whether this theory is true and I know I may not really be able to ever confirm if its true or not, my girl and I are going out on saturday and we plan to approach a guy we find attractive and start chatting them up. Before that, I guess I should tell you why the women in this city...or rather the black women in this city believe the men here are wack well they claim that when they go out, a man stands and stares but will never approach them, or when they do approach a man he doesnt respond or he rejects them or he has no manners(there is a story about that, but thats for another day) So my plan is to approach a guy i find attractive this weekend and chat him up and see how that works out. I know I am fairly attractive so at least in the looks department I should peak their interest but lets see if I can at least get their number or have them ask for my number before the end of the night. Of course I do believe to some extent that a man should approach a woman but for the purposes of this test, I think its not bad if I go outside my comfort zone for the purpose of research.

So although I will never have a solid answer, I am hoping this little test will at least change my mind for the better and if it doesnt, I can honestly walk away knowing that in my opinion Toronto men are wack and hopefully take my search elsewhere...preferably outside Toronto.

Stay tuned for my results.

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