Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy 2012

Happy New Year folks! We live to see another year and just like the theme for "the biggest loser" this season I am adopting the theme "no excuses". This year I will not let obstacles be the reason I don't go for what I want and unless I am physically unable to do something I am going for it.

So I am currently on the bus after work heading to the gym. Its my first day in the gym this year only because I have been working long hours so I haven't made it to the gym yet but like I said no excuses so even though I didn't make it to the gym I still put in a good work out at home.

Anyways I figured this year no resolutions per say, instead of listing everything I plan to achieve this year I am just going to take each day to do something I have been trying to do for a while. I am not going to list what I plan to do because like I said no resolutions but I am going to lists some things I think we should all put into consideration and action as we see appropriate.

Let's start with exercise. Right no there is no justifying not working out. As long as u can get out of bed u can work out. You can even work out in bed but hey let's not go there. Well this year stop driving everywhere, cold weather or not, if u can walk there walk, if there is a particular sport u enjoy, find community centres that have the facilities to play the sport and enrol in the program or just take time out of your work day to go up and down the stairs a few times. Bring ur sneakers to work and do it. U can always incorporate exercise into ur routine. U don't need a gym to exercise.


If u are like me, u may be facing some family pressure to settle down or u may find that u are ready to "boo up" and settle down and that's great if that's what u want but u find the traditional method of meeting people are not working for u or u don't have time, there is nothing wrong with trying more modern methods such as Internet dating. Now my girls are probably saying hush u haven't signed up yet so what u talking about, well I did sign up and my only reason for not continuing with it is because I realised that when I selected I need a christian, my options went from 800 to 2. Of course that's not going to work. But I also realised I haven't given the traditional methods enough of a chance so I can't really write it off till I fully exercise that option. Also I find a lot of us black women like to stick to our own and there is no crime in that. U don't have to tell me that black is sexy because I breath it and know it but then love can be found amongst all races so if there is that guy who has been trying to get ur number for a while nothing should stop u from giving him a shot.

Also its the year of letting go, if u have been stressing over a matter for so long and no results maybe its time to let go and let God, if u have been checking that guy/girl for over a year and still no progress, let go and move on. Often we allow people/circumstances/obstacles hold us back from moving forward and finding what else lies ahead. I have a philosophy, what's urs is yours so if u find u are not getting it, try a new path, open up to other opportunities and who knows, u might find out something better is coming or came ur way.

No drama,

I believe every year should be a drama free year but then we all watch reality tv so to some extent we welcome some form of drama in our lives but if you find some people consistently bring drama into your life, you may want to reevaluate the relationship you have with them. It may be an issue of them not knowing what and who they are so in trying to sort themselves out they pull you along for the ride. You should not feel obligated to stick around because u have your own development to work on so if you find they are distracting from your own growth let them go and focus on you. Some people also are very negative and they may have reason to but I believe if u welcome negativity into your life u get negativity so u may need to let them figure out what makes them so negativity while u focus on positivity.

So as we embark on a new year I pray all your hearts desires are granted and may this be an amazing year! Happy 2012!

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