Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year!

A very Happy New Year to everyone! Yes I am back to blogging in full force and I believe that this will be an exciting year so I am pretty sure that I will be sharing a lot more. However, I am still on vacation and I am not due back home for a few more days but I have had quite a bit on my mind and I figured I'll put something down before I forget what I have been thinking about.

Last year was fairly interesting, I like to believe I discovered a lot about my self I was either blind to or I wasnt exactly sure that part of me existed. I learnt a lot for sure. It gave me a chance to really figure out what I wanted out of life and also gave me the opportunity to better understand who I was and how my experiences has shaped who I was. This year on the other hand I plan to make it my best year yet! I plan to take control of my life(although God will be my gps) and just not let anything or anyone stop me from going after what I want. I am going to list a few things I plan to achieve this year and as the year goes by, I'll make sure to keep everyone updated on my progress.

1. As I stated earlier, I plan to take charge. I am going to not let life and people influence the decisions I make. If there is something I want, I'll go for it.
2.Allow myself to be open minded. Open minded with job opportunities, love, friendships and just people in general. I consider myself pretty open minded but I do know that to some extent my naivete or should I say my ignorance has prevented me from opening myself up to possibilities and the one time I did that this year...(I know we are only a couple of weeks in but I have already experienced quite a bit)...I was pleasantly surprised.
3. I plan to run a 26 mile marathon. It will be closer to the end of the year for sure but that's my goal for the year so upon returning from my trip I plan to hit the gym extra hard than i did last year and make sure that by the end of the year I would have ran the marathon.
4. Be more aggressive. this probably goes hand in hand with point number one but this time around my aggression is more in relation to love than it is to life. Not to say I wont be aggressive with professional opportunities but I am tired of sitting back and waiting for sparks to start flying in my life. As my younger cousin adviced me last night, If I find someone I am interested in, go for it. Dont make excuses as to why I shouldnt try to pursue the person. Of course I dont plan to be the man in the chase but whats stopping me from also making the first moves and seeing what can happen from that. That being said, if I find its one sided instead of hanging around waiting for actions to be reciprocated, I plan to walk away and not look back. which leads me to my next point.
5. Know my worth. I need to stop putting people on pedestals and making them seem better than me. I need to learn that I am worthy too and that no one is above me or beneath me. I have so much to offer and I need to stop selling my self short and going around like everyone is better than I am. Yes I may not have achieved all i want out of life but I still have so much to give and I am not exactly giving up on my plans.
6. Learn to accept my fate and make the best out of it. Not to say I am going to resign myself to believe that my circumstances is or are what they are but rather look at my circumstances and my situation and trying to make it work for me. As the saying goes when life hands you lemons make lemonade...and sell. So just because I might not have a job, or I might not be in a relationship or I might not be a size 6 doesnt mean I cant look at my job situation and use this opportunity to take a course, or find a different career path for the mean time, or my lack of relationship doesnt mean i have to stay home on a saturday night and wallow in my misery but instead get myself out there, attend a poetry night, volunteer more, go speed dating...whatever or if I am not ever going to be a size 6 then just work on being a healthier heavier me,embrace my curves and just find what works for me while still maintaining my healthy life style.
7. Learn to complain less and listen more. I know i am a huge whiner, I whine about almost everything but last year I tried this whole positive outlook and thinking kinda lifestyle and it worked for me...yes i will admit when things went bad I would fret and go off for a bit but this year I plan to look at the situation, give thanks to God that its not as bad as it can be and immediately find a solution to it. Listen more, give myself a chance for others to speak and really hear what they have to say.

Although i could probably go on and on and on this blog, I am going to stop for now and pretty much pick it up at another time. I just felt that it will be a good way to start the blog this year and hopefully as the months go by we can all refer back to this blog and see how far along I have come.

Happy New Year guys and I pray and wish for you happiness and peace and may all your dreams and aspirations come true. Lets make this year our year while we all strive to put God first!

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