Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What Is Love? No seriously, what is it?

Hey guys, So I gave my cousin a task and that was to write a blog because I really think he has a talent with putting words together. Here is his post. Please share with him what you think of his entry.

Disclaimer 1: the Bible has a definition of love (love is kind, love is just, etc). I'm fully aware of it. What you should be fully aware of is in observing how most of us tend to forget this definition, or to be more exacting, try to get to this type of love by going around God, I have more or less tabled that definition.

Disclaimer 2: In having set up the first disclaimer, expect a lot of sarcasm and cynicism. And abstract thought. If it is abstract only to me, then take it as a grain of entertainment.

Disclaimer 3: I have not been in any serious relationship. You say my views are left-field. I say that I am less biased and more clear-headed.

I love you.

If you say it a number of times, you'll be disgusted. Or you'll be filled with bliss. Go on. Try it.

Why would you be filled with disgust? Many a reason. Most likely it probably stems from the lack of truth in it.

I was once told in a psychology class that you can't be sure about your significant other unless you've been in a relationship for two years. In that time, the passion aspect of the relationship dissipates, leaving you with the intimacy and companionship components. It's at this point that you can truly see yourself being with this person for the rest of your life. Or you see that the relationship is now boring and it's time for you to move on.

This makes sense. But to many a fool it won't because 'love is blind' and 'love knows no bounds' and other cookie-cutter fairy-tale-type nonsense that everyone fails to consider because they're looking for a rush. And if you're one of these fools...well, you're a fool. An idiot. Wake up and smell the damned fumes off the drying paint.

Because how many times have you observed a relationship in which the phone conversations ended in 'I love you' especially when they've been going out for 2 months? Not a big deal, you think? My, how you have set yourself up for the inevitable...

Because how many times has one of you asked the other, Why do you love me?, and you've gone to the part of your brain that deals in bullshit to churn out a poetic answer which really has no value other than to make the one feel good, and to grant the other peace? (And then when you throw the question back at the other, all you get is "I dunno, I just do.")

Because how many times has it felt forced coming out of your mouth to the other person, but when it comes to inanimate objects (your phone most likely), "I love you" flows like water over a babbling brook?

The meaning of love between a couple in this generation is lost. It's gone. And because it's gone we've failed to realize that the meaning of that love is what makes everything else strong. What makes everything else bearable.

Look at the concept of raising a family. It's supposed to be a loving couple (and since I'm Catholic and old-fashioned...), from which children of sound mind and being spring forth. A couple that even through adversity and despair their love continues to bind them tight. A family that from the first breathe of the first born to the day that the last born leaves the house to start a future, has been together supporting each other and loving each other, because that's what their parents have taught them to do. And it's with that knowledge that they'll pass on what they have learned to their significant others so that their families may be blessed with that gift.

But I bet you didn't know that? Because what you've seen becoming ever popular is the single mother and the baby daddy. A kid or a bunch of kids are raised under needlessly difficult circumstances. The father shows up once every week or every other week because he has his life to live and he wasn't ready to start this but because the woman had no choice (again, Catholic and old-fashioned...) she must bear all the weight. Her dreams and hopes put on hold, or reformatted because it's no longer about her but about her children. Where's her time? The story gets worse when the woman isn't committed to having kids so she's still going to live life like the young adult that she is and have no regard for her young ones.

But I digress.

Why would you be filled with bliss, though?

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