Sunday, September 19, 2010

Swept under the rug

I know this topic will be far more controversial than what I have written about in the past months. Many of you may agree with me and some will disagree however I am in the state of mind where I believe we need to have more open dialogue on this topic so we can finally do something about it.

I am Canadian, most of you know that and you will know that Canada is probably one of the most diverse nations in the world. We welcome any and everyone and we allow you to be who you are regardless of your religion, ethnic backgroud, race, political views, sexuality, whatever. This concept is known as a mosiac. We are all one people but you can also be an individual if you need to me. A different ideaology to our neighbouring country the US where they believe in the melting pot. You come here you become one of us. Although you can be who you are, Ultimately at the end of the day you are American and thats that. Depending on how you look at it, both concepts are great and can and should work well but unfortunately it does not.

I have lived in the US so I can disagree or agree with their melting pot concept however I am not American so my knowledge will becoming from an outsider looking in and in my humble opinion although sometimes its good to look in its better to comment if you actually are in the box than outside the box so for the purposes of this blog, this will be my last reference to the American way of life.

Now lets talk about Canada. I live in Toronto and to my knowledge, Toronto is the most diverse city in the world period. I have seen more people of different races, ethnic groups and sexual orientations than any other city I have visited ever. Its actually a beautiful thing because its like being able to tour the whole world and interacting with so many different people without leaving your city. Not many people are fortunate enough to experience that and yet I am plus the 3million other torontians in this city.

However, this mosaic mentality we have in canada I believe has given more ammunition to fuel and acknowledge the differences between us. As much as you are allowed to be who you are, it also means you cant be the one thing that you are...Canadian. Often times racism is a topic that if you ask the average canadian if they feel still exist in canada their firm answer is no. I often laugh when I hear that. There have been several times, when I have had debates with teachers or colleagues about this topic and the quickly change the subject to avoid talking about it. They usually start off by saying" I dont think we have this problem in Canada" I tell them well thats because you have been fortunate enough not to experience it and then they usually shrug their shoulders give me that uncomfortable smile and change the topic to something else.

Of course, why wouldnt they think racism exist when each time the topic is brought up they immediately brush it under the rug. I am not in their minds but i like to believe that they think not discussing it means it doesnt exist and thus we do not have to deal with it. Yet so many minorities exist in this beautiful nation of our who are still struggling to be someone they want to be.

Now lets go into the work place...I have worked in a few places and although I will say I have seen quite a number of minorities in the work place I yet to see a minority in an executive leadership role. I once did a research paper on racism in the judicial system and I was surprised to find that not once in history has there ever been a minority Supreme Court Judge. No blacks, Asians or Aborignals...which unfortunately is tragic considering Aboriginals are the official Canadians. Every single one of us immigrated from somewhere else other than the Aboriginals yet the Aboriginals are the one group of people in Canada that still continue to struggle. They are shut away from the rest of Canada, stuck in the coldest part and are living the most poverty stricken life ever. Once again the Canadian mentality, if we dont deal with it, it does not exist.

Another issue that realy upsets me is the fact that based on the colour of my skin there is no way in hell I can be Canadian. I have often received the surprised look when people find out I was born in Canada. I find that the minute they see me, they have to ask me where I am from? When I respond I am canadian, they are often respond by saying well where are your parents from? They keep digging till you pretty much tell them that your ancestry is africa, caribbean or something of the sort. Well let me school you guys for a second. Many of you will be aware that Harriet Tubman the black slave that lead many of the slaves to freedom, lead them into eastern Canada, Nova Scotia and the likes, Many of them continue to live in Nova Scotia or have moved around to different parts of the Country. Just like African-Americans these African-Canadians(A term i am sure some of you have never heard) Do know their ancestry is from Africa but have no direct connection to the place since their ancestors were put on ships many years ago. That being said, They just like the rest of us are Canadians and therefore will only acknowledge themselves as Canadians and nothing else. So for you to continuely to ask someone like that where they are from is pretty much saying based on their skin they cannot be pure canada. Well unfortunately neither are you because as I stated other than the Aboroginals most people in this country immigrated into Canada many years ago. Of course I know sometimes you ask because to be honest most of us are recent immigrants into Canada but why cant you see us as Canadian unless we tell you otherwise?

I just think that its time we address the issue of racism in this country. It still very much exist no matter how much you want to believe that it doesnt. It exist in the work place when you see capable intelligent visible minorties are still at the bottom of the ladder yet their counter parts are quickly rising. It exist when professionals from different countries move into Canada with the hope of finding a better life hear but are given the run around that they are not good enough to be what they were prior to moving here so now they are stuck in minial jobs because they need to survive. What makes your qualifications better than theirs?.

People lets start dealing with the issue of Race. Until we actualy deal with it face on its going to continue to be swept under the rug and eventually when we finally realise it, it will be too late.

Of course this is my opinion based on my experiences and observations.

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