Thursday, October 2, 2014


I am not perfect. I don't claim to be and I don't aspire to be perfect. I know my short comings and I know my strengths and good qualities. My best and worst quality I would say is, I am too caring. I am not affectionate, I am not overly loving and I was recently told I am not even sweet but caring I am. Supportive for sure, but definitely caring. I care genuinely about anyone I come into contact with. Be it my friends, family members even exes or the homeless man on the street. My level of caring my differ based on my relationship with the person and the level of need but ultimately one must know that no matter what I care. I am not great at expressing my self verbally but my actions will do the talking. I will say my ability to care too much may come across sometimes as bossy or sometimes nagging depending on the situation but ultimately the reason I react that way, is simply because I want the best for that person. I may not know what the best is and I don't claim to know it but believe that no matter what I want the best. No, this blog is not about how much I care but rather how my caring can often times be taken advantaged of and not necessarily in the way you think. We all live busy lives. No matter what you do, you are busy. Yes you may be a lazy bum and do absolutely nothing all day but that makes u busy doing nothing. Either way, how you spend your time is completely up to you and quite frankly I am not here to judge how you spend every second of your day but what annoys me is if I take time out of my busy life, whether its 5 seconds, 5 minutes or 5 days to reach out to you to find out how you are fairing, how I can make your life easier or just to let you know all is well I do expect you to take time out to respond. I am not expecting you to respond back to check on me too. All I need is an acknowledgement of the message. Yes I took it upon myself to reach out. You didn't ask me to and I take full responsibility of that, but there is something known as respect and courtesy and sometimes it trumps everything else. Even a response back to say "leave me alone" will suffice. Yes, it will sting for a bit but I can go to bed knowing that you are alive and that I at least made an effort regardless of whether you appreciate it or not. Mind you I am not expecting an instant reply, after all you are busy and you may not have the time to get to me but days should not go by without a response. We live in an age where communicating with each other is too easy. It takes seconds for a message to be sent across the world and seconds for it to come back. Often times we don't even have time to even edit the message before its sent out for the world to see. We are able to retrieve information that does not even belong to us and share it with others with a click of a button. Someone goes missing and within seconds the message is spread across miles to get the world out. So tell me, in an age where we can easily communicate with others whether it be by email, text, phone call, video chat, voice note, instant messenger or social media, who has an excuse not to respond. Maybe your lack of response is sending a message and the recipient should get the message but I am by the mindset that if someone had reached out you should at least respond back. Granted some messages don't warrant responses and that's fair but I believe if someone is showing concern and they are reaching out you owe it to them to respond back. I know my first blog in a long time is a negative one but this issue has annoyed me for a couple of weeks now and I just had to get it out. If you disagree let me know but I really believe its fair to put anyone through that no matter how annoying they are.


  1. You have valid points Kaks. Unfortunately not everyone has the sense/manners to respond to messages. It could also be a cowardly move on their part. Instead of maning up and really saying how they feel, they choose to go silent in hopes that their silence will send across their message. At the end of the day you can only be you. Stay true to yourself and leave them to their rude/ text ignoring ways.
