Monday, October 7, 2013


Lately I've been going through some things. I've been having a very difficult time and my mood and attitude has kinda sucked lately. I am usually very good at handling stress but lately my tolerance for everything has been low. People try to avoid me because they are afraid I will snap, others, feel like I am negative all the time and some pretty much think I've become a bitch. I wont lie I am everything people have called me and I am not proud of it. Its just that sometimes when you are extremely exhausted, mentally and emotionally drained and there is no end in sight, you lose who you are. I pray for change and hopefully God will answer my prayers sooner than later. Someone recently told me that my blogs sound like a pity party for a party of one so to show people that my blogs aren't always a "pity party" and that I can actually blog about something positive, here are a list of things I am actually thankful for in my life. With Thanksgiving on Monday(Canada) I believe this is more than a better time to reflect on the good in my life. So here is my list of things to be thankful and grateful for. 1. Family: Both nuclear and extended. Always there for me when I need them most. We fight, we scream, we laugh we cry, we criticize, we support yet at the end of the day, I wouldn't change them for the world. 2. Friends. I've been blessed. I have a very tight yet small group of friends I can count on for EVERYTHING. We may not always see eye to eye on everything, but I do know that my life wouldn't be the same without them...both new and old. 3.Work: Shocking, especially recently with everything going on. But I am grateful to at least have something to wake up for every morning. It at least provides me with money to have me go and come as I please, pay my bills and sometimes keep my brain functioning. 4.Church: I am a strong believer in God. Lately my faith has been wavering and sometimes I wonder if God can hear me but I am lucky to have a priest and congregation that keep me grounded and support me as much as I can. Each time I feel like all is lost, I always have someone shake my hand, hug me or share a kind word with me that keeps me going and my faith restored. I am not an active participate in my church yet each time I walk through those doors I feel at peace. There is definitely something to be said about communing with the community. 5. My Doctor: So I know a lot of people don't really like their doctors, well because anytime you go to your doctor is because something is wrong and no one wants to know something is wrong however in my case my doctor has helped me make my life better, his constant listening ear whenever I need to vent, helping me with my diet and exercising and encouraging and pushing me to be better in everything I do but also making me feel its alright when there are days when I cant do it all. I am definitely thankful for that. 6. Travel: I LOVE to travel. Probably the only thing that prevents me from travelling as much as I could are money and work. However, if I had the chance, I probably would travel every day of my life if I could. I am thankful that I am in a position that I really don't have any restrictions to travel and whenever I decide to travel somewhere I can do it. 7.Reality TV/TV Shows: Okay weird thing to be thankful for but trust me, reality tv actually keeps me sane. Watching other peoples crazy live actually helps me distress and take my mind off my own problems for a bit. As ridiculous as some shows are, I really am grateful that I have the chance to watch them. Also I cant forget Scandal! I am so glad its back on air. I finally feel my life is complete. Yes I am unavailable every Thursday night from now till May. 8.The gym: I cant believe I am saying this because there was a time when you couldn't pay me to go to the gym but I LOVE THE GYM!! I love it, love it, love it! My day doesn't feel complete until I have had a good decent work out. I have actually left work some days when I really should stay behind and wrap up my work just so I can make it to the gym. The gym keeps me sane. Its a good way to work off my aggression, It helps me stay healthy and fit and I love how my body is transforming since I started working out. 9.Sweets: Ever since I started my healthy life style, Desserts and processed sugars have sorta had to take a hike...well not permanently but I don't over indulge as much as I would like to. However if there is something I love about the gym is the fact that as long as I put in good work in the gym, indulging once in awhile is not as painful. Sweets make me happy, anything sweet makes me smile...what can I say. I am Fanti, We love sweets! 10. My phone: Okay I am not necessarily a technology geek but I do love gadgets, however so far my favourite is my fone. I am seriously addicted to my fone. I could probably deal with losing my purse over my fone. Not only is it my connection to the world via, whatsapp, text, phone call, facebook, Skype, twitter, instagram, its also my personal computer, my music player my information hub, tv and sometimes mirror(yes I use my front facing camera to look at my face sometimes). 11. My Bed: Okay so I don't necessarily have the Most amazing bed in the world but its pretty darn close. I look forward to hanging out in my bed all day. love my bed. My next purchase big purchase is probably a new mattress(not because my mattress is bad but cus a new one sounds better) but I love it!! 12. Freshly shaved legs just before bed: I know I have talked about this in previous blogs but I absolutely love how the sheets feel against my legs when I shave before bed... I mean I wont suggest the guys try it cus men with shaved legs is just weird but if you could and you could hide your legs till your hair grows back I would soo recommend it! 13. Pineapples: I just love them! 14. My nose ring: I loooooooooooooove piercings and finally 3 times a charge...this piercing has finally stayed in. After 2 failed attempts of piercing my nose I finally found someone who could pierce my nose with a ring that actually stays in without falling out before it heals. I mean my piercing hasn't healed yet but here's hoping it does soon so I don't have to worry about the ring falling out. 15. Life: No matter how often I complain, no matter how stressed I get, no matter how often I may come across as negative, cry, or repeat the term "FML" I truly and honestly love my life. Its not perfect and I wouldn't mind somethings happening for me that hasn't happened yet but all in all I have a pretty good life and hopefully with time, patient, faith in God and money it will only get better.

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