Friday, March 18, 2011

Why do we lie?

Contrary to what the subject says I am not necessarily talking about lying in the traditional sense although once can debate or argue what traditional lying is. But what I really want to to talk about is lying about our feelings or denying what we are feeling.

Back me up a moment, I might be the only one who does this, but if I am not I am sure u can relate, so you have a friend, you know you have feelings for them that can border on being more than friends. Everyone around you clearly sees that you have feelings for that person yet when u are asked you tell them time and time again, No. We are just friends, they are like a brother/sister to me. Yet when u are allow you can't stop thinking about them, you crave to hear from them and each second you are with them you wish it will never end. So my question to you guys today is why do we lie about how we really feel about that special person? Do we say we don't have feelings for them because once we admit it out loud we are admitting it to ourselves? Are you worried that the questions will follow? The why? Where? How? Is it because we have found every excuse why you can never be more than friends? Is it because u honestly believe they don't feel the same way so once u put it out there you are going to have to deal with being rejected? Is it the fear of rejection? Your family? I mean someone help me out or did I answer my own question?

That being said then one response I have to at least one of those questions is, stop thinking too much? Sometimes we can't make assumptions when we really don't know for a fact. So why focus on the many reasons why it can't work when there is probably a very good reason it can? Any relationship takes work, long distance or not you have to put in the work. No relationship is easy nor is it perfect but if you want it bad enough then you can make it happen. Ask those who are in long distant relationships and are now married to their partners how they made it work. If its rejection you are afraid of then what do you have to lose? If they say no, they say no. They were not meant for you anyway. Doesn't make them bad, it just means they were not the one. I mean easier said than done, but coming from someone who has been rejected a time or two, I can tell u that u will live through it. Your ego may hurt for a few days, you might wonder why they don't want u, hell you might cry a bit but u pick yourself up and you move forward. You have to be rejected a few times just to know you can deal with life. Everyone gets rejected at some point, just like you reject others. If you havr a solid enough friendship, you can move past it and carry on and if you can't then maybe you only became friends with them because u liked them more than a friend.

Either way I am asking this question so feedback will be appreciated. If you also agree with my part answer to then that's great but whatever the case, why do we lie?

1 comment:

  1. I think you definately answered the question in there!!! if its a good friend and he/she doesnt feel the same way then you risk changing the dynamics of a good friendship. It could be argued both ways.
    why say anything when you know what the answer is or why keep it in and kill yourself when you have nothing to lose...(prone to give any person a headache)!!!
