Sunday, March 6, 2011

Have you said Hi today?

As you may have noticed, it has been quite a while since my last blog. I could blame it on lack of inspiration which is part of the reason I havent blogged in awhile but the biggest reason is that I havent found the time to sit back and really type something down. I have had some major changes in my life and although I like to think I have found a balance between everything going on and my personal life I just havent found the time or the energy to put something down.

That statement I just wrote is the inspiration behind this blog and I'll tell you why. Its soo easy as people to have a life style change and we immediately forget everything else that was important to us. It could be our hobbies that gave us a sense of purpose, or it could be good friends who were there to support you in everything you were going through, It could be your parents, your boyfriend or girlfriend or that special person who makes an effort to show you more love than at times you deserve. Yet the minute the person is no longer in our lives, or that possibility is removed from our lives we start to regret not taking the time to really appreciate that person more.

I know its hard sometimes to prioritize whats important and sometimes some things just take more time than others, it could be that work is very busy right now so you end up spending more hours at work or you are taking a new class so you spend more time in class or doing homework than you can spend on anything else. Thats all fine and fair and it makes sense but I also like to think that in this day and age with all the technology we have available to us, keeping in touch has only got easier and easier to the point where making excuses are not even justifiable.

Another thing I find most of us never make time to do is going to church. It seems like from Monday to friday we can wake up at the crack of dawn to get ready to go work on time, we might take time after work to go to the gym or whatever plans we might schedule after work, the weekend roles around and we fill it with all sorts of activities, yet sunday roles around and we suddenly are too tired, or we need to finish up some stuff before work on monday or its too cold so taking the time to go to church becomes an issue. Sometimes its just really difficult to go to church yet I like to think that if we have time for everything else happening in our lives then church should not be an excuse. Of course I am guilty of a few of those excuses but really why should we have an excuse when it comes to finding time to praise God after everything he does for us.

Pretty much my babbling here is just to say, lets stop taking our lives, friends, family and most importantly God for granted. I do know its difficult at times to really take the time out to find time for other things other than work or whatever else you go through but I find, that we only start having regrets when that important person in our life is taken from us. Why not avoid those regrets today and take the time and reach out. Also, dont use life as an excuse not to respond back to someone who has taken time out of their day to reach out to you. All it takes is a couple of minutes to say hi!

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that, it's true and interesting how when it comes to going to Church for some reason we are always too tired, but for anything else we do our best to get there and get there right on time!
