Thursday, May 26, 2011

Second chances

I am a firm believer in second chances. I can't say why I am but all I know is the number of times I mess up, if I didn't get a second chance, Only God knows where I would be today. Not to say anytime I made a mistake I was given a second chance to redeem myself because honestly I don't think that would be a good idea either but usually when I am given a second chance I usually take advantage of that and make sure I rectify things. Of course that's coming from me, I am sure if u ask the person I wronged they may think differently but so far they haven't said anything so I guess I did make my wrong right.

Now I know sometimes some people need several chances to get It right. I can't say I know why but if I was to make an assumption it could be for a variety of reaons, one they probably were not aware they did something wrong in the first place so they cannot comprehend the severity of their actions so they may repeat it again because they do not know what exactly they did wrong which in that case its the responsibility of the one affected to clearly lay out what they did wrong and explain why that act should not be repeated or 2 they are slow learners so it takes several mistakes to make it right or 3, they just don't care and if that's the case u shouldn't be given them a second chance at all.

There are also people like me. Very forgiving. We know some people just have to be given a second chance, maybe 3rd or 4th chances because we know that nobody is perfect and u don't know when the show will be on the other foot and u will need that chance. However what we need to also put into consideration is the fact that some people just don't care enough about your feelings so no matter how many chances u give them they are going to keep repeating the same mistake until u say enough is eenough and maybe the only way to get ur point across is to walk away and let them know that you have no more chances to give. Its hard though to do that because deep down u believe people are inherently good and though they may come across as not caring deep down if u walked away they will do whatever it takes to get you back.

Now the question is, is that healthy for either parties? I don't know. It might be because it sends the message across that you cannot be toyed with at the same time that person might learn not to take people for granted because they can be gone today.

Now don't confuse forgiveness for second chances because as important as it is to forgive and not necessarily because the person wants it, its more for you doesn't mean that they deserve a second chance. It just means u have let them go and u are allowing them to live their lives knowing u do not despise them and are holding them spiritually hostage by not forgiving them but it means u realise your worth and ur need to be happy and so u are getting rid or anything or anyway who has u contantly feeling defeated and lost.

Now as I keep pondering on the issue of when do u let go all I can say is this. Know when enough is enough and as important as second chances are, remember they are called second chances for a only get a second try and that's it.

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