Thursday, November 7, 2013


When you walk into my bedroom the first thing you see is this huge poster on my wall that I made. I call it my vision board. Unlike the traditional vision board that has a bunch of pictures on them that people visualize what they want in their life, their goals, dreams and aspirations, mine are words. My goals I wish to accomplish. Some of my goals are materialistic, physical goals, others are more emotional and spiritual. I have it on top of my bed as my way of constantly reminding myself of what I have to do to get my goals achieved. The other day, I walked in and looked at my board and I immediately felt sad. Sad because I realized that the year has almost ended and I don't think I have achieved a single goal. I don't think my goals were unrealistic, or hard to achieve but for some reason, nothing worked out as I had planned. A lot of uncertainty came my way as well as unforeseen plans that were not escapable so I really couldn't go ahead with a lot of what I had hoped to achieve but it still left me sad. Sad because I felt my life was moving along but I wasn't moving along with it. Each day passes and I realize I am getting older so less time to really get it all done, but as I scrolled down my list, I came across one of my goals and it immediately had me feeling more at peace with where I am at. The goal I had put up was " be content with what you have." Often times, we look around us, to the people nearest us, to famous people, leaders, and sometimes family and we often compare ourselves with them. Sometimes we feel less adequate than them and other times we feel superior. No matter how hard we deny these feelings we cant help it. We are human. You may feel happiness, joy and pride to watch those around you succeed but that deep gut feeling within you always says "why not me?" other times we are like thank God its not me but we are made this way, to compare ourselves with others. Yes we may say, you don't know the persons story, or don't compare everyones journey is different but we cant help it. Our the fabric of what we are made of doesn't allow us to be truly happy with what we have. I know that's one area I constantly struggle with. Yes I am fueled by other peoples achievements, their successes, their out come, but at the same time, I wonder when my time will come, where people will look at me and say " I want too be her when I grow up" What I am realizing though is, there is soo much in my life I should be proud of. I may not be where I want to be but I am where I need to be and I am still moving. As much as I complain and I cry and whine and wish and pray for me, I have so much already.So yes I have a long list of things I wish to achieve, of things I hope one day I can say I did this. But until then I m going to keep pushing and pressing and not give up but while am doing it, realize how far I have come. A common saying I am seeing more now due to all the fitness pages I follow on instagram is this " Even the greatest failure is better than nothing because it means you tried" So although I am not where I want to be, or have what I want, I am trying and that's all that matters.