Wednesday, November 23, 2011

As the year comes to an end

Hey lovelies

Yes I know its been awhile, I really dont know who to blame for my absence other than the fact that i had a very busy summer and it seems i am having a busier fall but I guess the biggest reason for my lack of correspondance is primarily due to the fact that I havent had a lot to say lately. Here I am though, and I know its probably a month early but I figured I'll get my "what I have learned through the year" post out now.

This has been a very interesting year to say the least. there has been a lot of changes in my life, both good and bad but its been a good year to say the least. One thing I will say is, positive thinking and strong faith in God can really get you far and most importantly keep you sane. I really do give Thanks to the Almighty because many of the great things that happened in my life this year is primarily due to him and I am most grateful for that. As most of you know, last year at this time I was unemployed...I hadnt given up hope but I realy was beginning to wonder if I would find a job..well the fact that I am using my lunch time at work to type this post is a clear indication that my situation did change. I found a job right at the beginning of the year and its already been 11 months since I first started. Although my job situation is not 100% stable right now, its still a great opportunity and I do believe its only going to get better from here.

Let me get right into it, for the things I realised this year.

1. Faith can move mountains. It make take a lot of prayer but when God is ready to work in your life, you will be amazed at how your life can transform in ways you never imagined.

2. Every encounter in your life was meant to happen. Each person you meet may serve a purpose in your life. You may not always know what their purpose is but as time goes by you realise that their impact in your life was great. May be great may not be so great but they always leave with teaching you something you may not have known before.

3. Learning to let go. I think this is one thing I am still learning. I think especially when it comes to dealing with the oppossite sex, many of us dont want to let go because the reality that the person does not like you, or doesnt deserve you or is just not meant for you is a hard pill to swallow but until you let go, how do you even really make room for those who are meant to come in and stay?

4. You may have friends you think will always be in your life but it may just take one incident for them to leave. As sad as it may be to lose them(and I dont mean by death) sometimes its probably for the best that they left because their time in your life is done. I usually smile at those situations and thank them secretly for being part of my life and wish them the best on their journey forward and if they are meant to come back into your life, they will but at God's given time.

5. I think the biggest challenge for me since forever is loving myself. I dont mean loving who I am as person in terms of my psychological, spiritual or emotional attributes but loving myself physically. Appreciating every part of my body, whether its my legs, my face, my hair, my breast whatever it is. For a long time, I would look in the mirror and just find all my flaws and depress myself with how I look but as I get older I have learned to stand in the mirror naked and just stare at myself and admire what I do have... I am by no means perfect or close to perfect but I think I am gradually beginning to see what others have been pointing out to me for years and I am loving it. I do have some more work to do, but I am loving every inch of my body and not to sound vain I am a beautiful person, physically and mentally and I wont let anyone tell me otherwise....which leads to my next point

6. learning to stand my ground. One comment I get very often is I am too nice...and trust me its not a compliment when I am told this. Some people believe this may be a weakness of mine. Some may argue that I allow people to take advantage of me and walk over me. Its true I do, not because I am too nice but thats generally my nature. I am learning to be stronger and learn to stand my ground but I also think that sometimes going out of your way for people is a good never know when the tables will turn and they may need you.

7. Learning to appreciate those who appreciate you. I think this is something we all take for granted to some extent. I am pretty sure we are all guilty of this to some extent. We are constantly breaking our backs, reaching out, or doing things for people who wont do the same for you or even if they will, its very rarely. I am soo guilty of that. I am the queen of keeping in touch. Even prior to email, bbm, texting, phones I was soo diligent with taking out my pen an paper and writing lengthy letters to people who would never reply or if they did, usually months later with a one line saying" I am doing well, hope you are well too keep in touch" However those who would constantly reach out to me, show their love on every birthday, special event, calling me all the time just to make sure I had had a good day, I took for granted. Now dont get me wrong, I did appreciate them but I also knew that they were okay and thats why i didnt bother but I am beginning to realise with time that, those who didnt show me the same care really dont deserve all my attention either. I think in relationships feelings and behaviour should be reciprocrated. So yes one person may not be good at texting or emailing as often but I do believe there should be other ways of the person showing you they care as often as you show them you care so I have decided that from now on, I will show love to those who show me love and to those who dont, well you know where to find me when you want to find me.

8. Last but most definitely not least. I think the biggest thing I may have learnt this year is just trying to be a better person in all aspects of my life! Whether its my relationship with God, or my friends and family, even at work. Just trying to be the person I believe God wants me to be and appreciating each day I am on earth. Life is not perfect and our world most certainly isnt but i think if we can take each moment we have to thank God for all the small things anda big things in our life it will change our outlook on life. Its such an easy thing to stay negative and to always find the bad in every situation but if you really take the time to look at all the good in the world you will realise that the Good most definitely outweighs the bad. So until you begin to realise that, you will continue to stay in your negative runt.

9. No one should ever be too busy to reach out to you. I find that people constantly use the "I've been busy" excuse for their reason for not keeping in touch. I dont think thats true. Yes we do get busy and sometimes we do let life take over some of the more important stuff in our lives but I really and truly believe that if someone really means a lot to you, there is nothing in this world that can keep you away from them. So Ladies and Men, when someone tells you they have been busy hence their silence just take it as a sign to mean you are not important enough for me to factor you into my life. I may be wrong but I like to believe that anyone who considers you important will make the time.

I wish you all the best in your lives. A beautiful and Happy Christmas and an exciting and Prosperous New Year. I am hoping that I can have another opportunity to write to you guys before the year ends but incase I dont, Its been real!
