Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays!

I have already done a recap of my year so I don't want to regurgitate what I already said but I want to take the time to remind everyone to give thanks for a successful year! Yes, it may not have been the year you expected for yourself. Like myself it may have been a tougher year than past years but I say its successful because by his Grace by December 31st, I'll be alive, I'll be well and I will be in church just before the clock strikes 12 ushering in a new day and a New year giving thanks to the Lord above for bringing me this far and most importantly hopefully taking me through a new year.

As this year comes to an end, Look back and reflect on the year you had. Might have been a great year, might not have been all that great but you are alive, you are well and you are blessed and that's all you can hope for in this unpredictable world.

So before I sign out, I just want to thank each and every one of your for your readership! Although I have only 19 subscribers I am well aware that I have far more readers than I even know about! I thank you guys for following me through my year. For not judging me when I poured out my thoughts and my hearts to you and even if you did judge me, I thank you for not voicing your judgement. I pray that the new year brings us all our hearts desires and most importantly the patience to wait for our turn because as long as you are walking this earth your time will come! Nothing is impossible for our Lord so you may or may not believe in him but recognise this. He is alive and he is not sleeping. He has a plan for each and every single one of us. Just keep praying and hoping and believe his will, will be done in your lives.

A good friend shared something with me when I had a mini melt down a few weeks back and I will share this with you.

"God has three answers to prayers: Yes, Not yet and I have something better in store" So remember this, Your prayers will be answered. As the saying goes, God may not answer when you call but he is always on time!

So have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and unless something comes up that requires me to blog about it between now and the new year, I'll see you all in the New Year!

God Bless!